Sustainable Practices

Sustainability Sustainable Practices

Some of the best practices we have in the vineyards and in the winery, having in mind sustainability:

- For energy efficiency in the cellar we have installed LED lamps throughout the cellar and motion sensors in some areas; we have made installation of a condenser battery for reducing the share of reactive energy consumption; and we assembly 3 parks of photovoltaic panels that allows an annual saving;

- For Water Management and in order to reduce water consumption and the ratio of water/L wine, we have adopted several water monitoring and saving practices such as the installation of meters in various sectors of the winery and vineyard, water pressure pistols on hoses, audited irrigation system in order to detect leaks; 

- Our cartons, barrels and corks are made out of materials coming from certified Forests with Sustainable Management;

- We promote Circular Economy thought the waste valorisation produced at the different activities;

- Since 2016, in a partnership with the University of Lisbon, we calculate our carbon foot print;

- Personal and professional valuation through continuous training and awareness of employees; 

- Initiatives that involve surrounding community and partnerships with Universities in the region in the area of Investigation and Development;

- Our Sustainable strategy is based on 6 SDGs which stand for our value chain and will help to prepare our Sustainability Report.